Monday, December 29, 2008

The Year in Review

Here's an update on the book I've written this year on my life.

I made 2008 the best year of my life.
I became a homeowner. I bought my new home in March.
I did work that I enjoyed and was fulfilled. This is partially true. I volunteered as a dorm counselor at a camp for teen girls for a week. I would prefer full-time fulfillment, but this was a start.
I made friendships that will last a lifetime and I rekindled old relationships. I reestablished a relationship with a friend from high school. I also ran into an old friend from my first stay in Houston, but our relationship is different this time around. One of my friends also felt comfortable enough to finally tell me a secret they had been hiding from me (that I already knew).
I learned how to harness & release the power within me.
I found new reasons to smile and laugh. I laughed at myself more. Sometimes I even smiled when I didn't feel like it. My friends are crazy too.
I learned to smile without provocation.
I learned more. I learned that I am stronger than I thought. I expanded my knowledge financially. I also learned about new people and cultures.
I did more. I became more social. I forced myself to get out and network.
I gave more. I have to try to remember all my monetary gifts when tax time comes. I'm thankful for every gift that God gave me to share with others.
I flourished mentally, physically, spiritually, socially.
I opened my heart. My heart was broken. It seems as though the minute I stopped crying and decided to move on, the universe sent me a sign (actually, several signs). I had more dates with men I was actually interested in in a very short period of time. One of them stood out more than the others and won my heart. :)
I launched a new business venture. I have a legitimate business (and I get tax benefits and other discounts, yay!).
I coached and mentored students to success. I got my name out there and also had referrals. I was also challenged to do more.
I received lots of testimonies from my clients on how I was able to help them .
I cultivated relationships and discarded weeds.
I became a better friend, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece, etc.
I walked in my purpose and pursued my passion.
I fell in love and it was reciprocated.
I increased my income significantly. I was promoted to a new position and I received a bonus.
I traveled to new and exciting places. I went to India for 6 weeks and had a wonderful time. It was an eye-opening experience.

I love this song. I got this one from Muze too.

Fortune Cookies

My boyfriend (yes, I have a boyfriend now) suggested that I write my father a letter and mail it with some cookies as a reconciliation gift. It's his attempt to help me resolve my "daddy issues" so that we can have a productive relationship. I took his advice and finally started writing the letter after a couple of weeks of putting it off. The letter went through several revisions where I was venting and angry. The final version was one paragraph where I stated that I wanted him to be part of my life and I gave him my contact info. - phone, address, email. I sent the letter with German chocolate cake because I don't remember him being a cookie person, but I know that's his favorite cake. I sent the package via certified mail so I could track it. It was delivered to his home on 12/24. I haven't heard from him yet. The ball is in his court.

Thanks to Muze for introducing me to this fabulous song.