Monday, January 05, 2009


I saw this on Muze's page and thought I'd try it.

10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people:

-Does ignoring me make you feel big? Well, you're not. You're an idiot for not recognizing what you have in me.

-You are so rude. You're supposed to acknowledge people when they say "Good morning". How dare you look at me and and say nothing! PWT

-You are so annoying. I become tense when I see your name or hear your voice. Please just leave me alone.

-Why did I wait for years and you're not even around? It is really hard for me. That's why it hurts so much when you push me away.

-You're stupid for putting all your business online. I know your mama taught you better than that. Stop being silly!

-She's crazy. I really feel sorry for you.

-I miss you. I hope things are working out for you.

-You are special. You are Heaven-sent. You are handsome. You are intelligent. You are creative. You are loved.

-Sometimes I wonder why we are friends.

-I'm really proud of you. You are doing a great job. I was skeptical at first, but you're proving me wrong.

9 things about yourself:

-I'm trying to be more open. I think it's working, but it might be too early to tell.

-I love who God made me. I'm not conceited, just confident. I am actually annoyed by people with low self-esteems.

-I'm an exhibitionist.

-I don't like stupid people.

-I had "daddy issues", but not anymore.

-type INTP

-I love New York!

-I'm learning how to flattwsit and cornrow my hair. I'm looking forward to all my creative new styles. :)

-I want to be a wife and mother while I am still young. Being a parent is a huge responsibility. If the kids turn out wrong, the parents get all the blame.

8 ways to win your heart:

-listen to me even when I don't say anything (sometimes that says a lot)

-feed me good food (preferably homemade)

-read, read, read (appeal to my inner nerd)

-sleep with me without molesting me

-encourage my sillyness (appeal to my inner child)

-give great massages

-hold me in your big arms...mmmm

-personalize something for me (a song, poem, CD, t-shirt, card, etc...just be creative)

7 things that cross your mind often:

-Is this real? Am I dreaming?

-I'm hungry. What am I going to eat?

-When is it going to happen?

-I miss my boys.

-Why am I here when I could be somewhere else?

-I need to get away.

-Who are these idiots in my space?

6 things you do before you go to sleep:

-check my email

-wash my face

-take out my contacts

-talk to my man

-turn off the lights/make sure everything is locked

-say my prayers

5 people you couldn't live without:

-my mother

-adoring fans

-friends who listen


-children who keep me young

4 things you're wearing right now:




3 songs that fit your life perfectly: least for now

-I Choose (India Arie)

-I'm Living a Blessed Life (Clark Sisters)

-The Point of It All (Anthony Hamilton)

2 things you want to do before you die:

-live to see my children's grandchildren live happy and healthy lives

-go to Australia, Brazil, Nigeria, Argentina, South Africa, Egypt, and other countries

1 confession:

I feared rejection from others, but now realize that their rejection was no match for acceptance of myself.

Bonus: I want to be on Sesame Street.


Blogger Adaeze said...

hey Melody! Just found your blog and I've been reading some of the posts. Love it! Great job on that list, I'd like to try to write it too.

7:48 AM  

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